Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Another one bites the dust

Kalvyn has had this new tooth growing in for EVER. The dentist said the baby one would come out on its own.. of the baby teeth came out, not the one we were hoping for, but it's a start...I am sooo good at pulling teeth out.. it's kind of gross but I love to pull teeth...I've even been known to pull a neighbor kids tooth out at the after school pick up spot, Zach, you know who you are...I guess the tooth fairy will make an appearance tonight!


Az Kelms said...

Oh yeah, I was there to witness the pulling out of neighbor kid's tooth. Let's just say I sat there in amazement.

Worthen World said...

I love your blog. Mine is private but if you want to view it shoot me an email and I will send you an invite.

Katie said...

I'll send the others on over. Teeth pulling is not my favorite job. I have even been known to forget about the tooth fairy part - for weeks. Thanks for the help.