Monday, December 15, 2008

Believe the Unbelievable

Yesterdays message at church has had me thinking.. Cal talked about believing the unbelievable, the story of Mary.. Mary was a young girl,a virgin, engaged to be married to Joseph. The angel Gabriel came to her and told her she would be with child and she would name this child Jesus. The "impossible" was about to happen in her life. She had faith and she believed.

What would I do if an angel came to me and told me the very same thing. Besides thinking I was crazy, I may not believe. In the past it has been difficult for me to believe what I could not see. As I have gotten older, especially seeing the miracle of my children, I can believe the unbelievable. The bible clearly states in Luke 1:37 that "nothing is impossible with God".
My mind is geared to just have faith. Impossible things can and do happen every day. God is a supernatural being, Faith in God is illogical, but possible.God is truly unbelievable.
I may not be able to completely wrap my mind around God and what he has in store for me, but I will continue to believe in the unbelievable.


Az Kelms said...

Great thought Kim. Something for us all to think about and to strive for!

Worthen World said...

I totally agree. It is easier to beleive with kids.

Anonymous said...

I love this, I dont know where I would be without faith and hope!!

Katie said...

Kim, you are such a great example to me. Thanks for the great thought.