Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rare Music Review

I Rarely review music, let alone buy it. I like music just fine but it's a rare occasion that I actually spend money on it. The last cd I bought was Amy Winehouse. I liked the raw edge to her voice and the bluesy tone to the music.

Well I found a soundtrack that I acutally fell in love with. My mom wanted the movie "Away We Go" for Christmas. We watched it together, very cute and quirky..but I absolutely loved the music. I jumped on Amazon and got it this week. The main artist is Alexi Murdoch. I love his acoustic guitar and lovely lyrics. There is a song by Velvet Underground and George Harrison too. I love the songs and they really touched my heart. I have been listening to them all weekend. I give this 2 thumbs up!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I looove Alexi Murdoch!! I also loved the movie.