Saturday, February 27, 2010


I have been feeling a lot of ups and downs lately.. Watching my mom go through cancer again has made me feel a lot of things.. Anger, why did this happen to MY mom, MY family?
Sadness, how can we get through this when the odds are stacked against us? Scared, how will I ever get along without my dear mom?
Optimistic, the doctors are doing everything she can and she feels ok right now.

My mom and I were having a discussion about how people can dissapoint us sometimes and that it is better not to have expectations from people because that is when they let you down. My mom made this statement "I know I have disappointed you and let you down at times". I didn't think about it too much til I got off the phone with her.. WOW.. I am really sorry she feels that way. I don't!

My mom is one of the strongest people I know, and she doesn't see herself like that.
She single handedly raised 3 kids to be contributing members of society. We are all happy people and she is responsible for that.
Sure, there were tough times for all of us but she did an amazing job!

I guess I have been thinking about my life and how fragile people are. As a child I never thought anything would ever happen to my mom.. here we are..dealing with it. We are strong and united though.. I love my mom, strong and beautiful!


Katie said...

What a great tribute to your mom. I think being a mom is one of the hardest jobs. You are such an amazing person, I know you have to have a fabulous mom.

Sara said...

I am so sorry you are going through this. If there is any blessing in all of this, it is that you have time still...time to create more memories for you and your kids. If things get tough, please give me a call. I'll listen.