Monday, December 29, 2008


This was difficult for me to come up with. Making resolutions is kind of like facing some of your flaws, things you need to work on. That isn't always easy. It is much easier to just go along thinking you're just fine..... Well, I am acutely aware that I am not perfect, thus, resolutions can be made. Can resolutions be kept? Well, I am planning on really working on them.... Here goes.
1.More date nights with my sweetie, even if it is just going for a walk or up to Golden Spoon.
2.Don't sweat the small things. I have done a much better job at this over the last year but there is still room for improvement.
3.Clean my file cabinets out. Yuck! This will NOT be easy.
4.Say more prayers. I have a feeling this will be needed this year.
5.Try not to over extend myself so much.
6.Make every moment count by not taking things,experiences or people for granted.
7.Be a better listener. ( I like to talk)
8.Read a new book every month.
9.Finish the Bible.
10.Last but certainly not least, loose this last damn 10-12 pounds..if anyone sees me eating anything resembling a pastry, cookie ect...please knock it out of my hand and then slap me. Come on people, how did I get this way.. I jiggle when I walk, this isn't me.. Exercise, exercise, exercise.

Wish me luck.

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